Pigeon comics

This is a (mostly) light and fun comic about a couple of pigeons and their lives. I started this story during the visual storytelling course of Ali Fitzgerald, and I’m still inking it. Enjoy!

Comics page. Two pigeons cuddling in a nest. The right pigeon says: Hey... Would you still love me if I were a worm? Left pigeon: Not again... Pigeon on right: Why not? Pigeon on the left: We eat worms! And now I'm hungry. I'll get us something. The pigeon left behind is thinking: Was that a no?

Pigeon comics. The pigeon is sitting alone in the nest, thinking: I'm bored. It leaves for a branch to bounce up and down.

Pigeon comics. The pigeon leaves its nest to see a balcony with herbs on it. There are some dark crow silhouettes on the roof far away. The pigeon tries the herb, and thinks: Bad choice, then spits the herb out. It's only one crow now on the roof. The pigeon looks back, and wonders: Wait... where is the nest? Now we see 2 crow silhouettes again.

The pigeon who left for food is coming back, and sees the other pigeon on the tree. It says: I'm back! What happened to the nest? Are you OK? Pigeon who stayed, now on the right: Yeah, I wasn't in it... Maybe the wind? Pigeon on the left: And the crows over there? Did you ask them? Pigeon on the right: I tried. Pigeon on the left: Were you tough? Pigeon on the right: You know I wasn't. Pigeon on the left: Crows are such jerks. Pigeon on the right: Let's just find a new spot.

Pigeon comics page. Two pigeons are flying over the buildings and trees, then land on a branch. Pigeon on the left: What do you think? Pigeon on the right: It's fine. Pigeon on the left: Fine? Pigeon on the right: It's a bit windy. But no crows! Pigeon on the left: And we'll see the sunrise! I don't love it. Pigeon on the right: Me neither. Pigeon on the left: But it's just for now. Pigeon on the right: Yeah. The pigeons cuddle, and the rain pours down.

One page drawing, part of the pigeon comics. Morning sun shining on a large bulding courtyard and a tree. Caption: The next morning...

Two pigeons are sitting on the roof. They are talking, then start to argue. Pigeon on the left: Where should we build next? Pigeon on the right: Do you want a nest? Pigeon on the left: I think we should. Pigeon on the right: But we don't need to. Pigeon on the left? I dunno... it's cozy, a stable spot... and we'll need it if... when... you know. Pigeon on the right, shouting: Eggs? Really? Now?! Pigeon on the left: Are you freaking out? Pigeon on the right: Of course I am! We can't even keep a nest together, what if it had eggs in it?!

One page of the pigeon comics. Two pigeons argue. Pigeon on the left: That's not our fault! We'll find a better spot. Right pigeon: And I didn't see enough worms this year! It's too hot and dry! How can we even feed the... egg-dwellers! Pigeon on the left: Egg-dwellers? Really? ... Maybe you can think about it? Pigeon on the right: Oh, I will panic about this all day! See you at the crumbs! Pigeon on the left: Love you! That went well.

A blue ink drawing on white paper of a corner cafe and a large tree from aerial view. Part of the pigeon comics.

A comic page of 3 pigeons talking. The middle pigeon: Wow, you had a rough few days. Left pigeon (who flew away in the last scene): Yeah, and I can't just... oops. The left pigeon lets out a poop. The other 2 pigeons call out: Not above the crumbs! Hahaha. Middle pigeon: Let's leave before we're spotted. Right pigeon: We're good, there are others below us. Then we see a human hand shooing away the birds. Middle pigeon: What wasn't very nice of us. Pooping pigeon: Sorry.






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