Diary comics, 2 panels. Panel 1: A woman wearing short hair, sweater and jeans is standing in front of a colorful painting in a museum. Her expression is solemn. There are 3 other paintings in the background.

Some exhibitions are for color therapy, especially during the grey winters of Berlin. This was the Maurice de Vlaminck exhibition (and the impressionist collection on the next floor) at the Museum Barberini in Potsdam.

Diary comics, 2 panels. Panel 1: A woman wearing short hair, sweater and jeans is standing in front of a colorful painting in a museum. Her expression is solemn. There are 3 other paintings in the background. Diary comics, 2 panels. Panel 2: The woman is standing in the same spot, slightly smiling, as the colors of the painting form little bubbles that float towards and into her.






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